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28 октября 2017, 14:00

Ван Гог, Крик и Джокер в волосах! (15 шедевральных причёсок)

Стилист Урсула Гофф превращает волосы своих клиентов в произведения искусства. Художницу вдохновляют природа, драгоценные камни и даже картины великих художников. В работе Урсула никогда не использует классический блонд или чёрный — её краски наполнены глубокими синим, фиолетовым и розовым цветами.

Эта работа выполнена под впечатлением от вида на кратер вулкана в Йеллоустоуне

Иногда клиенты Урсулы просто показывают ей яркую картинку, и она приступает к делу

А иногда её вдохновляют великие художники — в данном случае, конечно, Ван Гог

Fine Art Series: I am sharing Van Gogh's "Starry Night" again for those who missed it, and also because I didn't originally publish any background on it. This is only one piece of a rather large body of work completed the last two years of Van Gogh's life, and Van Gogh himself was not impressed with it, never having any inkling that it would go on to become one of the most recognized pieces of art in Western history. He began it shortly after being admitted to the St. Rémy de Provence asylum, and it's largely composed of the view from his room, with the addition of a fictional village. Earlier in life, he had been very religious and had set out to become a pastor, but could never pass his exams and he struggled with his mental health continuously. He later abandoned religion, but still seemed to be searching for meaning and purpose, speculating that "hope is in the stars" - referencing the desire to experience an afterlife, perhaps in the stars or in another dimension. This desire stemmed from the fact that he had never been particularly happy, and suffered from depression, hallucinations, delusions, psychotic breaks, and a general inability to function, often trying to live and work on his own, but always failing, which would result in admittance to an asylum or going back to live with family or friends. He ultimately took his own life at age 37, dying from a self-inflicted gunshot wound that became infected. It could be argued that Van Gogh's mental illness fueled his creativity and made him a great artist, but even if that's true, his story is heartbreaking. It's hard for me to gauge if his enormous contributions to art were worth all the suffering this poor man endured. It's commonly believed, however, that suffering and art go hand in hand. What do you think? #art #fineart #vangogh #starrynight #starrynighthair #bluehair #yellowhair #postimpressionism #modernsalon #behindthechair

Публикация от Ursula Goff (@uggoff)

Вулканический пепел никогда ещё не был столь привлекателен

Розовый перелив ракушки погрузит вас в мир "Русалочки"

Экстравагантно и впечатляюще! Картина Эдварда Мунка "Крик"

Драгоценные камни всегда прекрасны!

На этот шедевр художницу вдохновила радуга, которую она увидела из окна самолёта

Шахматы тоже могут быть красивыми...

Детка, ты просто космос!

Перламутр подойдёт романтичным натурам

Горящий камин всегда ассоциируется с теплом и уютом, не правда ли?

Кого-то вдохновляет и Джокер

Hey remember that one time when I did Joker hair? #joker #villain #comics #batman #greenhair #purplehair

Публикация от Ursula Goff (@uggoff)

Обычно клиенты Урсулы не говорят ей: "Создай мне "северное сияние". Девушка воплощает необычные идеи благодаря собственному воображению

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