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3 января 2018, 08:13

Известная 155-килограммовая модель plus size показала фигуру после родов

Модель plus size, 32-летняя американка Тесс Холлидей, опубликовала новое откровенное видео в своём "Инстаграме". На нём она предстала перед своими подписчиками почти обнажённой.

На кадрах пышнотелая молодая мама сбрасывает с себя прозрачный халатик и остаётся в нижнем белье.

Подписчики 155-килограммовой американки отреагировали на "постельное" видео неоднозначно. Одни пользователи довольны внешностью Холлидей и желают ей удачи в работе, а другие советуют избавиться от лишних килограммов. Они считают, что ей стоит ради своего здоровья и будущего своего сына заняться собой. Данный пост за пару дней набрал более 130 тысяч лайков.

This was another powerful moment of 2017 for me, & other moms around the world when it went viral. I posted this when I felt so low, & I would be lying if I said sometimes I still don’t feel like this.♥️ “This is the reality of being a mom. I've been up since 3 am, & every time I get Bowie to sleep & try to lay him down, he wakes up. He is teething & has no clue I have to work today, & most days I can work 15 hour days, take care of both boys & put some lipstick on & deal with it. Most days I drink my coffee & smile at every little thing he does thinking it's the best thing in the world, but not today. I've been crying for nearly two hours, & I'm crying as I write this. I've reached my limit, exceeded it to be honest. My confidence has taken a blow with this birth & it wasn't until this morning I realized why. The pressure of "looking good" for a living is too much today. When your face is breaking out from the hormones of breastfeeding + total exhaustion from lack of sleep, bags under your eyes, patchy red skin & to top it off no energy to work out or leave my bed.. how do you do it? How do you feel confident in your skin & feel like you aren't letting the client down by showing up exhausted & disheveled? Yes, I chose a career based on my looks & I'm the first one to say that beauty isn't what should drive you, it's certainly not what motivates me. As a working mom in an industry that's as critical as mine, where is the line? The balance? The compassion? Is any career understanding when you show up at negative 10% because your kids wouldn't let you sleep & you want to hide under your covers & cry? Not many. I hope one day that changes & society views mothers as the flawed human beings we are that are just trying to keep our shit together like everyone else.”’#effyourbeautystandards #workingmoms #disruptperfectmomsyndrome

Публикация от Tess Holliday♥️ (@tessholliday)

Отметим, что совсем недавно женщина жаловалась на тяготы жизни после рождения ребёнка и публиковала кадры, на которых буквально заливается слезами.

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