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12 января 2018, 03:36

Австралийка стала самой молодой покорительницей Северного и Южного полюсов

Австралийка Джейд Хемистейр стала самой молодой покорительницей Северного и Южного полюсов, а также Гренландского ледяного щита. Об этом сообщает National Geographic.

On the evening of the 10th Jan 2018 (morning of 11th AEST), we finally arrived at Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole after an epic 37 day journey from the Amundsen Coast via a new route through the Transantarctic Mountain Range. In doing so, my 1,300km journey on skis dragging a heavy sled to the frozen ends of the Earth chasing my Polar Hat Trick dream (North Pole, Greenland and South Pole) is now complete. Whilst these adventures were never about breaking records to me, over time I have learnt of the few I have broken along the way. In arriving at the Pole today (aged approx 16 and 7 months), I now have the privilege of being: The youngest person to ski coast to South Pole (unsupported and unassisted). The first woman to set a new route from the coast to the South Pole. The first Australian woman to ski coast to South Pole (unsupported and unassisted). The youngest person to ski to both Poles. The youngest person to complete the Polar Hat Trick. And the honour of being part of the first all-Australian team to set a new route from the coast to the South Pole. My guide, Eric Philips said this was the toughest trip in terms of weather conditions in his 25 years of polar guiding. The wind and extreme cold was relentless and brutal. So many stories, so many memories. I cannot thank the incredibly fun team I shared this journey with enough and everyone back home for your support. Here’s to a hot shower and some real food! #bravenotperfect #expandpossible #climatechange #jadesquest #thepolarhatrick #northpole #greenland #southpole #nationalgeographic #nationalgeographicapp @natgeo @natgeoau @australiangeographic

Публикация от Jade Hameister, 16 (@jadehameister)

10 января 2018 года Хемистейр прибыла на станцию Амундсен-Скотт в Антарктиде, сделала так называемый полярный хет-трик, став самым молодым человеком, который когда-либо покорял как оба полюса и снежные просторы Гренландии.

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