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4 октября 2017, 10:54

Экс-баскетболист "Химок" Хаммел объявил о завершении карьеры в возрасте 28 лет

Фото:  © РИА Новости/Алексей Филиппов 

Фото:  © РИА Новости/Алексей Филиппов 

Американец, выступавший на позиции лёгкого форварда, ушёл из большого спорта на телевидение.

Об этом Робби Хаммел сам сообщил на своей странице в "Инстаграме".

This has been coming since last winter, but I wanted to post this for all my friends, family, and supporters who follow me on social media. I’ve decided that after five years, I’m stepping away from playing professional basketball. After my second ACL tear in eight months at Purdue, I wasn’t sure I’d ever play at a high level again. I truly feel fortunate that I’ve had the last five seasons to do just that. The highs of playing on a Purdue team that got to be ranked as high as number 3 in the country, playing in the NBA for two seasons, and getting to travel the world playing a game as my job are things that I’ll never forget and cherish. The sad reality of this is, I’ve just had a tough time staying healthy since my sophomore year of college. Last season was difficult for me living abroad. It got to the point where there were many nights I wondered if I was cheating a game I love by not being 100 percent all in. That’s never been me with this game, and because of that, a change has become something I feel is necessary. With that thought in mind, I’ve accepted positions at The Big Ten Network and ESPN to call college basketball games as a color commentator and work in the studio as an analyst. I’m beyond excited to start a new path in my life and get this season started. I’ve been so fortunate to have incredible teammates, coaches, and basketball organizations in my life that go back to Valparaiso High School, and for that I am so thankful. It’s been a hell of a ride, and I look forward to continuing that watching a sport I’ve loved since I was a kid, college basketball.

Публикация от Robbie Hummel (@robbiehummel)

— Я принял решение завершить карьеру. Когда я во второй раз порвал крестообразную связку, то не был уверен, что смогу играть на высоком уровне. Теперь считаю, мне повезло провести ещё пять сезонов, — отметил 28-летний спортсмен.

Робби планирует связать свою дальнейшую жизнь с телевидением. Он будет работать комментатором и аналитиком на ESPN и The Big Ten Network.

Напомним, что Хаммел играл за такие команды, как "Обрадойро" (Испания), "Миннесота" (США), "Олимпия Милан" (Италия) и "Химки" (Россиия). Является бронзовым призёром Универсиады (2009), серебряным призёром Единой лиги ВТБ (2016/2017).

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